Neighbourhood Plan
Planning and Neighbourhood Plan
You can download the Broxton & District Neighbourhood Plan which was made on the 30th of November 2016 by clicking on the PDF below.
The Parish Council maintains a planning register which is noted at each scheduled meeting of the Council and is published with the meeting agendas. The register includes the planning application number, description, comments submitted, and the CW&C decision.
The Parish Council seeks to deal with all applications in the same way and has in place Planning Standing Orders and Protocol.
Details of applications can be found via the below links by entering the application number or other keywords.
Cheshire West & Chester Planning Website
Cheshire East Planning Website
It should be noted that the Parish Council does not have the authority to decide on planning applications but has the right to make comments on them as do all members of the public.
You can find out more about planning and what is and isn’t taken into consideration by planning officers when making a decision by visiting the CW&C website.
Planning Applications
The below is a list of planning applications received by Broxton & District Parish Council since May 2022 with the most recent application at the top of the list.
- 23/00290/S73 – Demolition of existing 3 bedroom dwelling & erection of new 5 bedroom dwelling – Variation condition 2 of 21/00187/FUL – Phillips Park, Salters Lane, Broxton, CH3 9JH
- 23/00295/FUL – Conversion of steel portal framed barn into 3-bedroom residential dwelling with associated curtilage – Withy Bank, Old Coach Road, Broxton, CH3 9JL.
- 22/04671/FUL – Retention of existing treehouse and outbuilding. – Broxton Old Hall, Old Coach Road, Broxton, CH3 9HS.
- 22/03369/FUL – Erection of new side porch and single storey rear extension – Woodlands, Salters Lane, Broxton , CH3 9JH.
- 22/02846/FUL – External alterations of dwelling including replacement cladding and windows and doors. Replacement cladding to garage including new roof and rear store extension – Part retrospective – The Pines Allmans Lane Duckington SY14 8LH.
- 22/02237/FUL- Erection of agricultural shed & access – Land at Withy Bank, Old Coach Road, Broxton, CH3 9JL.
- 22/01753/FUL – Replacement garage outbuilding – White Knoll, Old Coach Road, Broxton, CH3 9JD.
- 22/02013/PDQ – Conversion of agricultural building into dwelling house with associated parking and amenity space. – Withy Bank, Old Coach Road, Broxton, CH3 9JL.
- 22/01165/FUL – Demolition of rear single-storey lean-to with proposed new one and two-storey linked rear and side extension and change of use of adjoining land to formalise as residential – Ivy Cottage, Hill Lane, Brown Knowl, CH3 9HT.